Limitless Wrestling No Debate results & recap: The road to the Vacationland Cup begins

By Josh Nason

On another sold-out night at the Yarmouth AmVets Arena at this past Saturday’s No Debate, all eyes and focuses began to shift to the aptly-named Summer of Limitless.

And who could blame anyone given the massive announcement that this August’s annual tournament will emanate from Lewiston’s The Colisee for the first time ever?

But before we look to the future, let’s recap the recent past with a final look at the fourth event on the 2024 calendar which you can watch time and time and time again on IWTV.

Gabby Forza defeated Kylie Rae

Forza headed into this first-time-ever match with a lot of steam after her win over Megan Bayne at April’s Guilty Pleasures while this was Rae’s first time back since her debut defeat to B3CCA in December 2022.

This was physical as you might expect and Forza used it to her advantage, eventually getting the victory after a spear and jackhammer. The sky continues to be the limit for the popular Forza while Rae is still in search of her first win in the 207. Forza now moves on to June’s Seasons of Calamity in Hermon, Maine.

We got the official announcement that Crunch Time will return on Saturday, July 20th in Yarmouth — the last stop before the VLC.

Aaron Rourke defeated Hazard

Before the match, Ricky Smokes was out to give his usual thoughts about his career with some shade thrown at Rourke. Rourke then busted out and a huge brawl broke out, culminated with a Rourke Terminator dive onto about 12 security folks at ringside.

That led to Rourke battling the loquacious Hazard for the first time ever in Limitless. Rourke was able to land a moonsault, close the show, and rebound from his loss to Smokes in April with a win over Hazard who was looking for his second straight victory.

Afterward, Smokes came out and was furious, saying that Rourke stole his moment when he wanted to speak. Rourke then let him have it verbally before revealing that there was a big surprise in store for Smokes if he wanted to be in action.

That surprise was Rip Byson.

Ricky Smokes defeated Rip Byson by DQ

Byson made his return after another sojourn to Japan, looking to rebound from his loss to Limitless Wrestling World Champion Channing Thomas at February’s Bitter Taste.

He gave Smokes all he could handle and then some. However, there was some controversy as there always is with Smokes’ matches. Referee Eric Greenleaf was taken out by a Smokes Stinger Splash and Byson was then taken out by a pair of knees to the chest and got visually pinned.

He then grabbed a chair and hit Byson who just shrugged it off before grabbing the chair himself. Greenleaf awoke from his slumber, saw Byson with the chair and Smokes playing dead, and called for the bell and DQ — the first in Limitless since July 2022.

Byson got his pound of flesh afterward, nailing Smokes with the chair and later hitting a Lovegun Lariat off a handshake he tricked Smokes into doing.

Limitless Wrestling World Champion Channing Thomas (w/ “Smart” Mark Sterling) defeated Swoggle to retain

Sterling, in for Sidney Bakabella who was suspended by Limitless for the entire month of May, did the intros for Thomas and then mockingly introduced his surprise opponent: former WWE Cruiserweight Champion and all-around good guy Swoggle, making his return for the first time since 2019’s Vacationland Cup.

As you might expect, there were plenty of shenanigans from start to finish: ones that infuriated Thomas and Sterling who weren’t laughing all of a sudden.

The end came when referee Nate Speckman was laid out and Thomas put on a pair of brass knux while Sterling held Swoggle. Swoggle then moved and Thomas nailed his legal representative right in the nether regions. Ouch. Swoggle then nailed Thomas with the knux and we were a second away from a new champion but it was not to be.

After all the jokes, it took a belt shot behind Speckman’s back to get Thomas the victory and his sixth successful defense.

The return of BRG and a challenge made

Thomas and Sterling put the boots to Swoggle afterward for no reason at all and out of nowhere, Let’s Wrestle Champion and former Prestigious teammate BRG returned to Limitless for the first time since July 2023 to make the save.

He and Thomas had been chirping at each other on X last week, but they came face-to-face and belt-to-belt in the middle of the ring. Things got physical between them as Sterling tried to get involved, but BRG couldn’t hit Sweet Victory on his former partner. Sterling did get caught with it though and then, BRG grabbed the mic.

The TL;DR: BRG takes offense at Thomas calling himself the ultimate champion as he has his own 400+ day run with the Let’s Wrestle title. He then challenged Thomas to a title vs. title match at July 20th’s Crunch Time. Source says Bakabella will need to sign off on this after his suspension is complete in order for it to be official.

We got the news that July 20th will also be a food drive for The Locker Project. More to come on that soon.

TJ Crawford defeated Bulk Bronson

The rivalry that has stretched across several indies finally made its way to Limitless. Crawford was looking to rebound from a loss to Aiden Aggro his last time out while this was Bronson’s first appearance since January 2022 and first singles match here since 2017!

These two had a HOSS FIGHT that lasted damn near 20 minutes with chops, forearms and kicks that had Randy Carver wincing in pain. After both guys unloaded their respective tanks, Crawford somehow got Bronson up in a torture rack position and then threw him over his head, kicking Bronson in his head on the way down.

God damn, these guys earned their standing ovation afterward. We will next see Bronson in Hermon as well.

After intermission, we got the big VLC announcement along with a “Thank you Randy!” chant that you can really do anywhere.

Aiden Aggro (w/ J-Heru) defeated Ace Romero in a VLC qualifying match

After circling each other for several months, two Limitless OGs went to battle for the first time ever in Limitless. Romero headed into this with a full head of steam off three straight wins while Aggro carried a two-match win streak…plus his friend Mr. Heru in his corner.

And as expected, Heru got involved several times and eventually got a big pounce for his troubles. Mama Romero also got involved, slapping Aggro as he was in her face which sent him staggering right into a Romero inside-out clothesline on the floor. Is a mixed tag team match in our future?

Heru got his revenge, distracting the referee which gave an opening to Aggro to nail Romero with a chair right to the head which led to the pin and Aggro’s third-straight win. He now becomes the first talent to qualify for the August tournament while Romero has to figure out another way in.

Dezmond Cole & Above The Rest (Tristen Thai & Gabriel Skye) defeated The Unit (JT Dunn, Danny Miles & Trigga The OG)

This was Cole’s first appearance in the room since Dunn turned on him and reunited with Miles and Trigga at February’s Bitter Taste. That was the same night Miles and Trigga took a loss to ATR which really put some extra steam behind this as did Dunn’s April promo ripping Cole.

This one went all over the place with Dunn and Cole being kept apart…until they weren’t which was a spectacular sight when it happened. After some intense action, Dunn was nearly finished off by an ATR maneuver followed by a Cole swanton until referee Nate Speckman got pulled out of the ring at the last second.

However, Cole & ATR got their revenge with Trigga eventually being taken out by the same combo of moves as Dunn stood outside and watched, hesitant to jump in there and break things up.

Afterward, Cole grabbed the mic and challenged Dunn to a one-on-one match at July’s Crunch Time with none of their friends involved. However, he wants higher stakes: a VLC qualifying match.

The Summer of Limitless awaits. Bring your sunblock.