Limitless Dirty Laundry results and recap: Strapped up for violence

By Josh Nason

Last Saturday’s High Strung, the final Limitless Wrestling event of 2022, was all action as expected, headlined by a grudge match between former two-time LW World Champion Anthony Greene against Rip Byson in a strap match.

Here’s the full results and recap from the Wrestival show, available now on IWTV.

Anthony Henry defeated Kevin Blackwood

As promised, this featured a high level of impact strikes which included multiple slap and kick exchanges that were thrown at, well, a high level. In what was a true battle of attrition, Henry got the victory after a flurry of kicks and a cradle piledriver. Both men showed each other respect after this battle — one this writer would love to see again. The win gives Henry his first singles victory in LW since July 2017 and Blackwood his third straight LW defeat.

Andy Brown defeated JD Drake

With the other half of The WorkHorsemen already victorious, there was no doubt this would also be a very physical affair. The two had multiple chop exchanges in an effort to gain dominance over the other with Drake offering up his chest several times in a show of bravado. At times, Brown was surprised (and perhaps frustrated) at the amount of offense Drake was taking without backing down. Drake looked to have this won after hitting a unique slingshot slam, but he missed a Vader Bomb and Brown took advantage with his Fatality punch to knock Drake out cold for the pin and win.

Drake got a measure of revenge afterward as he offered his hand to Brown in a show of respect. Brown flipped him off and got a superkick in the mush for his trouble. Regardless, he now has three straight wins in Limitless dating back to night two of the LW/Blitzkrieg Two Night War.

Limitless OGs (LW World Champion Ace Romero & MSP) defeated The Miracle Ones (Kylon King & Ichiban) and Conner Murphy (w/ Dustin Waller)

Dustin Waller was originally set to compete here, but due to a right eye injury suffered on Friday night, he had to be replaced by the returning Conner Murphy. Murphy had been out of action due to a knee injury and this was his first appearance since Leave No Doubt in August 2021.

Murphy did his best to kill the vibe, both for the Limitless OGs and his own team. He looked solid in his return, taking it to everyone and letting them know about it afterward. This was under lucha rules which really benefited both MSP and the Miracle Ones. In one of the most spectacular spots, Romero pounced Ichiban into King which resulted in a Canadian Destroyer upon impact. Who knew the human body could react like that?

Murphy then attacked all three OGs but the numbers game was too much as Romero literally caught a body, set him up for the MSP Drip Drop followed by a package piledriver for the pin and win.

Channing Thomas (w/ Sidney Bakabella) defeated Mo Jabari in a World Classic Challenge match

This was Jabari’s second match in Limitless and his first since his debut earlier this year. Thomas, thanks to a Bakabella distraction, was rolling early and cut off any Jabari comeback attempts with technical manuevers like a thumb to the eye.

Jabari rallied late, getting a near fall off a slingshot suplex. However, Thomas landed a hard clothesline and a piledriver to both finish off Jabari and run his WCC record to 2-0.

Afterward, Bakabella reminded the crowd of Thomas’ athletic acumen and demanded that Jabari tell Stu Hart he still owes him $200. The two then got ran off by Alec Price, scrambling for the exit when his music hit. Price and Thomas were set for a one-hour Iron Man match as part of Wrestival later in the night.

Alec Price defeated Mike McCarthy

There was plenty of backstory here as McCarthy (the former Let’s Wrestle Champion) introduced Price to Limitless founder Randy Carver years ago in addition to this being McCarthy’s Limitless’ debut. These two were set to square off in either Limitless or Let’s Wrestle on several occasions, but it never came to be. This was also Price’s first Limitless match since losing the World title to Ace Romero in September.

As expected, this was competitive with both the mentor and the menace trying to outdo one another. McCarthy was rolling late, hitting From Dusk Til’ Dawn and a Deep Impact (top rope DDT) that both got close near falls. He then ensnared Price in a tight bulldog choke, but Price got his feet on the ropes.

Price rallied, countering McCarthy off the top with a cutter before hitting a SuPrize kick for the pin and win. Afterward, Price called for McCarthy to get in the ring and told their backstory and gave him props and thanks for being there for him throughout his career.

B3CCA defeated Gary Jay

The fans were firmly behind Jay in his Limitless debut, no doubt helped by B3CCA’s pre-match list of demands of the fans in attendance. Action spilled to the outside early with the fans talking Jay into delivering chops to B3CCA’s chest. That continued on the inside of the ring with the assault also including headbutts and stomps to her hand.

Then, B3CCA started getting pissed and unleashed hell on “The Stiff Robo Ginger” in the corner that included her own chops and a stiff superkick. Jay rallied with a lights out forearm that got a close near fall. He hit a Blue Ray Driver in the corner that also got another near fall as B3CCA’s body remained lifeless.

But the end came for Ray when he went to the top rope and B3CCA bit his nose, sending him backward. She then landed her 450 splash to get the pin and win for her third straight LW victory.

AVA defeated Jody Threat

Threat was looking to go 3-0 in LW in ‘22 while the new look AVA was making her return as a singles wrestler before heading back to Germany for more action.

This was one of AVA’s best outings to date, hitting a unique backcracker as Threat was trapped in the ropes. Threat was more than game with her high impact offense, countering a top rope jump into a spear followed by a meteora/German suplex combo for a near fall.

After getting frustrated that a Michinoku driver didn’t finish AVA, Threat dumped her to the outside with an F5 and made a tactical error in not letting AVA get counted out. She went to the top and as AVA knocked her off by bouncing into the ropes, Threat flew into a cutter that gave AVA the well-earned win.

Rip Byson defeated Anthony Greene in a strap match

As Limitless fans know, this has been building since Greene cheated to defeat Byson this summer. From there, it’s been issues at nearly every show since which led to this.

Despite his bravado going into the match, Greene was a bit timid in the early going, perhaps realizing the gravity of what was in front of him. That could be expected, though, as Byson won the first-ever strap match in LW history against Beef.

Byson made an early tactical error as while he was holding a chair he found under the ring. Greene pulled him and the chair into the ringpost. From there, Greene got savage, wrapping Byson’s head in the chair and then into the ringpost followed by choking Byson with the strap.

And then, the strap shots from Greene began —- echoing throughout the White Eagle Hall. But it was on the second go-round that Byson powered up and delivered his own strap shots to Greene’s back.

Greene resorted back to his heelish bag of tricks, pulling up the strap right into referee Nate Speckman’s nether regions to take him out of things. Byson powered through it, hitting a Lovegun Lariat for a near fall as referee Gina Monte had to come into the match. A high-angle power bomb got another near fall as Greene would not die.

Greene looked to have the match won, sticking a chair in the corner and pulling Byson’s head into it from the outside of the ring after a cookie sheet shot to the head. That only got a near fall as did his reverse cutter from the top rope. To no surprise, Byson would not die.

Greene got frustrated and then after jaw-jacking and a shoving match with Monte, he knocked her out with an elbow shot. Dastardly! He then got Speckman back in the match and used the strap to hogtie Byson into a piledriver that…only…got…two.

Greene again choked Byson with the strap and after nearly being choked out, Byson hulked up and hit a Lovegun Lariat and a Burning Hammer with the strap wrapped around his throat for the pin and win. My god.

After the match, Greene grabbed Byson and a shoving match ensued. As Byson asked him to hit him, Greene decided to reluctantly raise Byson’s hand instead. The win was Byson’s fourth straight while Greene has lost two straight.

And with that, we’re on to 2023 and Hard to Handle on Saturday, January 21st in Yarmouth, Maine.