Limitless Wrestling WARPATH results & video: A new title contender emerges

By Josh Nason

A new title contender (and perhaps more) emerged following the events of Saturday’s WARPATH from Limitless Wrestling — an event that set some things into motion for March’s first-ever Bissell Brothers Bash.

After defeating Calvin Tankman in the night’s main event, both Dijak and Tankman were surrounded by Limitless World Champion Channing Thomas, Aiden Aggro, J-HERU and Sidney Bakabella. After Bakabella handed an envelope to Tankman to join them, the former Deadlock Pro champion tore it up instead and he and Dijak laid out the heels and sent them scurrying.

Tankman then picked up an open contract (more on that in a minute) and the title belt which Thomas left behind. After staring at it, he handed both to Dijak and told them it was his time. Dijak then signed the contract and will challenge Thomas for the Limitless World title at the Bash.

Here’s the full results and other happenings from Yarmouth, Maine:

Dezmond Cole opens the show

For the first time since losing the title at January’s The Great Divide, Cole addressed the fans as well as a torn MCL injury that will keep him on the injury shelf for quite some time. As he was talking to the fans, apologizing for losing, revealing that he got engaged and pouring out his heart, he was interrupted by a gloating and laughing Thomas, Aggro, Heru, and Bakabella.

They bullied him, knocked out his crutch and were about to inflict serious damage before Aaron Rourke, Gabby Forza and then Dijak evened the odds much to the heels’ chagrin.

That helped set up a challenge from Rourke and Forza to Thomas and Aggro for later in the evening. It wouldn’t be the last we saw of Cole either.

Alec Price defeated Eli Knight

The former Limitless champion opened the show looking for his second straight win against the debuting Knight. The two put on a show that had the fans on their feet. Price picked up the win following a Grand Prize, an over the top dive to the outside, and a flying Phoenix 720 DDT to close out this must-see match. The two showed each other respect afterward and the fans showered Knight with “Please come back” chants.

Side note: months after yelling at Limitless owner Randy Carver in Hermon and calling him out, Price was leading the crowd in “Li-mit-less” chants. What a world.

Conan Lycan won a call your shot four-way over Gabriel Skye, BRG and TJ Crawford

This was an interesting mix of talent with four men that had completely different paths to get here but all with one goal: to guarantee a spot at the Bash in Portland with a match of their choosing.

Lycan followed up on his impressive December performance with a victory, taking advantage of a bloodied Skye (courtesy of a double head kick from Crawford and BRG). Lycan took out both BRG and Crawford with a double flatliner and then targeted Skye, finishing him with a unique fireman’s carry into a rotator followed by a 450 splash to end it.

As Sam Leterna got into the ring and Lycan was hinting at challenging Thomas for the title, Zak Patterson emerged from the front door curtain to lay Lycan out and steal the moment. “The Diamond” remains furious at Lycan’s four-way win at the Limitless Rumble and said the only person Lycan would face in Portland is him. As he was about to take him out with a chair, Mortar’s music hit and he made the save, leading to an impromptu match.

Zak Patterson defeated Mortar

This was Mortar’s first Limitless singles match since September 2022 when he lost to then-Let’s Wrestle Champion Mac Daniels. He was game for it, taking it to the cocky Quebec native and nearly upsetting him several times. In the end, Patterson rallied and finished off the wildman after a low blow, ripcord clothesline and the human discus toss for the pin and win.

Lycan then ran out to gain some revenge and the men had to be separated by security to the chants of “Let them fight!” from the Yarmouth faithful. This is going to be a spectacle for March.

Aaron Rourke & Gabby Forza defeated Channing Thomas & Aiden Aggro (w/ Sidney Bakabella & J-HERU)

This was a wild affair with an even wilder ending that had the crowd on their feet.

After interfering several times, Bakabella got cocky and actually got in the ring to aid Heru in choking Rourke on the middle rope. Referee Eric Greenleaf finally caught him red handed and tossed him to an ovation you could hear in Madawaska.

One spot you need to see: Forza carrying around both Thomas and Aggro before Samoan dropping them.

As Rourke was about to finish off Aggro, Heru grabbed the “Dime Piece” so he couldn’t complete the move. As Greenleaf attempted to get him to stop, Cole came out with his crutch and nailed Heru in the back with it, sending the crowd in a euphoric state. Forza then speared Aggro and Rourke hit the split-legged moonsault for the pin and win, staring at Thomas the entire time.

As Cole heads home to rehab, it was a fitting final moment for the former Limitless champion and a sign to the Thomas faction that things have changed around Yarmouth.

Bissell Brothers Bash segment

The Road Warriors-esque Pete Bissell and Andy Garry of Bissell Brothers came out after the break with Rich Palladino to introduce the first-ever Bissell Brothers battle royal for the Bash event…until Hazard made his return to Yarmouth for the first time since last May.

As you can imagine, he wasn’t happy.

He ran down Carver for not having him back in nearly a year and then turned his attention to Garry and Bissell, demanding they announce him as the headliner for the battle royal. To no surprise, they refused, instead preferring the man with the pogo stick, Milo Mirra. Hazard continued to berate them until Mirra made a surprise appearance, making his one of a kind entrance on his stick into a flying bodypress.

The Bash is going to be wild.

Maggie Lee defeated B3CCA by DQ

This first time ever match ended in a bit of controversy. B3CCA came out “singing” her “On B3CCA, On God” hit with two members of her entourage while Lee came out berating the fans per usual.

As the referee was nearly knocked out, the end came when Lee took off B3CCA’s knee brace and was about to attack when Gabby Forza left the commentary table to prevent it. Forza ripped the brace from Lee and tossed it to B3CCCA at which time Lee dropped to the mat as if she was knocked out, ala Eddie Guerrero.

When referee Nate Speckman came to, he saw B3CCA with the brace and based on the visual, she was disqualified, giving Lee the victory. (It’s the first DQ in Limitless since May 2024.)

Forza then attempted to apologize to B3CCA, her entourage started blaming her for the loss. B3CCA then grabbed the mic and said she it wasn’t her fault…but it was her fault she was “a stupid ass bitch” as the later identified Shooter Boys (Aaron Ortiz & Anthony Vecchio) put the boots to Forza. Aaron Rourke ran to make the save but the damage was already done.

This one is far from over.

Swipe Right (Ricky Smokes & Brad Baylor) defeated Ace Romero & JT Dunn

Romero introduced his surprise partner in Dunn who we haven’t seen since July 2024 when he lost to Dezmond Cole in a VLC qualifier. The two were partners in The Unit faction that ran roughshod over several New England indies and even Limitless as recently as 2021.

This was a competitive affair between two veterans and two young guns under WWE ID contracts. The end came when Dunn went for his Death By Elbow on Smokes who ducked and rolled Dunn up, grabbing the tights for extra leverage and the pin.

Afterward, Romero and Dunn took issue with referee Eric Greenleaf missing the illegal act and then, it happened. Romero grabbed the longtime referee and he and Dunn delivered a spike package piledriver to him in what could be the year’s most shocking moment. Will fines and suspensions come for both men?

Donovan Dijak defeated Calvin Tankman

These two behemoths locked horns for only the second time ever and it was as advertised: a hoss fight. They brawled all over the venue and eventually, Dijak found his way into the chairs via a big Tankman hip toss.

In a battle of attrition, Dijak eventually got the victory after hoisting Tankman up for a Feast Your Eyes to get the victory, battling through a bad back damaged by Tankman to do so. That led to the aforementioned brawl and title match confirmed for March.

The Bissell Brothers Bash awaits.